This course is designed to capture many of the principles found in both the Medivax Program (established in 2009 following H1N1) and the Ready, Check, Inject Program (established due to increased costs associated with EPINEPHrine autoinjectors). This course is designed to educate EMTs that are participating in the vaccination process on how to administer an intramuscular COVID-19 vaccine. This course does not replace either the Medivax or the Ready, Check, Inject courses but functions exclusively to educate surrounding the COVID-19 vaccines and their administration.
With the advent of the expanded scope of practice that was enabled on December 2, 2020 by the Maine EMS Board, Maine EMS has developed this education and psychomotor materials to ensure minimum competency of EMTs participating in the vaccination process. EMTs wishing to participate must complete BOTH the Ready, Check, and Vaccinate Program AND the general Maine EMS Vaccination Training.
All persons involved in the vaccination campaign will be required to online complete training that is offered by Maine EMS regarding the vaccination itself and considerations when administering the vaccine. This training will include information about the vaccine, guidance on administration techniques, and other attributes of the vaccine administration process.